Wednesday 23 September 2009

Granna rocks!

Feels like ages since I had the opportunity to sit down and write. Must say it did affect my mood some because I couldn't. Am I addicted? Or do I just need to vent whatever eats away inside? Caro and Granna had an argument the other day about Morris. Morris is our father. His real name is Maurizio, but somehow Morris sounded better when he was young and eager to conquer the world. It's what he once told us, some time before their divorce and when we all seemed like a happy little family. Anyway, Granna heard something she wanted to share with us, his daughters. She felt we were entitled to know. And we would probably learn about it sooner or later in a letter or so.

Morris and his family are planning on leaving Delaware to return to the West Coast. Apparently he found a new job and needed the challenge. His wife liked the idea as well and they somehow must have agreed it would be best for their kids to grow up in a more sophisticated area of the world than in some lame village in Delaware. Oh. I didn't know what to say at first. Especially when Granna said he wanted to be closer to us, for as long as that lasts since Caro will be off to New York next year. Yes. Dad is moving to OUR town and within the next 2 months. Come again?

Caro was at Granna's for a change, had a fall-out with her precious little coven of hysterical friends. So Granna decided to tell us after dinner and expected us to be happy. I don't really feel anything in particular but some curiosity, Caro however really really really flipped out. Which is weird, since she is the one who misses Morris the most and kind of like mom, resents him for leaving us. Maybe that's what made her throw a fit. Mixed emotions. Am I glad I don't do any of that.

Then Caro kind of took her frustration out on Granna. Who is one fine lady if you ask me. And smart. The more I spend time in her company and presence, the more I realise she isn't just a loving mother and grandmother who once had a flourishing career as an actress. She really has personality, not exactly something you'd expect of a person who enjoys being somebody else all the time. Granna rocks! She didn't mind for Caro to be her obnoxious little self and even encouraged her to speak her mind. Although they heavily disagreed.

Caro felt we had to tell mom. And not wait for some letter to arrive to drop the news. Granna insisted we should keep quiet about it and let Morris and Sally (that's our mom) deal with it their own way. Granna said Morris would contact mom himself. Oh. I don't think I want to witness when that happens!

So, I had some time to think about all of this. And I think it can really be fun to finally meet our little brothers and sister. Have I already told you that dad's new wife is black? And that their kids must look the cutest? I sometimes wondered about them, you know. Yes. The idea of meeting them now somewhat excites me. To some degree.

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